Microsoft Dynamics 365 Licensing Guide

We will help you navigate Dynamics 365 licensing, providing clarity to ensure you get value for money.

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Dynamics 365 Licensing Explained

Dynamics 365 uses a role-based licensing model for individual apps aligned with standard business processes. For most licences you can pay per user/month/application, which provides the flexibility to scale up and down your business operations. Reduced rates are available with 12 and 36 month agreements.

Dynamics starts with a base app for each user. Additional apps can be attached at a discounted rate for users who require broader functionality beyond the base. For example, D365 Sales can be purchased as a base app, and D365 Customer Service attached, enabling a user to manage opportunities and cases.

Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Journeys (formerly D365 Marketing) is an exception, where licensing is structured on a per-tenant basis.

Dynamics 365 Licence Types and Pricing

All prices below are per user/month, except Customer Insights per tenant/month.

D365 Sales

Sales Professional

Base Price: £53.40
Attach price: £16.40

Sales Enterprise

Base Price: £86.30
Attach price: £16.40

Sales Premium

Base Price: £123.30

D365 Customer Insights (formerly D365 Marketing)

Per Tenant

Base Price: £1,397.30
Attached price for qualifying customers: £821.90


10,000 interacted people
100,000 unified people
2,000 Customer Voice surveys

D365 Customer Service

Customer Service Professional

Base Price: £41.10
Attach price: £16.40

Customer Service Enterprise

Base Price: £86.30
Attach price: £16.40

Dynamics 365 Team Member

D365 Team Member: £6.60

Allows read access to data through dedicated Team Member apps. Includes entitlements to create and update contacts and activities for people with light usage requirements.

Dynamics Licensing Frequently Asked Questions

Can I buy an annual Dynamics 365 subscription?

Microsoft’s licensing model allows organisations to gain pricing certainty by locking in licence prices for 12 and 36 months. Additional licences can be added at any time, but licence numbers can only be reduced or cancelled upon the expiry of these terms.

A monthly subscription offers the flexibility to reduce licences any month at a 20% price premium. This allows for monthly seat reductions and the cancellation of licences any month without further financial commitment.

Licences can be mixed and matched to match demand so you can have a combination of licences on monthly, 12-month and 36-month terms.

What cloud storage is included?

Your Dynamics 365 data is stored in Microsoft Dataverse, which provides the following default capacities:

Dataverse for Apps Database: 10 GB (Transactional database storage for entity definitions and record data)

Dataverse for Apps File: 20 GB (Storing attachments on emails and notes in Dynamics 365 apps, including PDFs, documents and images)

Dataverse for Apps Log: 2 GB (Audit logs tracking records and attribute data changes)

Each Sales Enterprise and Customer Service Enterprise licence accrues additional storage entitlement as follows:

  • Dataverse for Apps Database Capacity: @ 250 MB per user
  • Dataverse for Apps File Capacity: @ 2 GB per user
  • Dataverse for Apps Log Capacity: n/a

Storage capacities and current usage are managed in the Power Platform Admin Centre.

Users cannot perform specific actions such as copying, restoring, creating, or recovering an environment if the capacity is exceeded.

Read more about Dataverse storage

How do D365 Sales Pro and Enterprise licences compare?

Both licenses allow sellers to create and manage Leads, Opportunities, Accounts, Contacts, Activities, Campaigns, Marketing Lists, Products, Price Lists, Quotes, Orders, and Dashboards. Both licenses also offer basic case creation capabilities and will enable you to connect Dynamics 365 with Outlook, Microsoft Teams, Excel, and Power BI.

Sales Enterprise users can work across unlimited custom tables (entities). Sales Professional is limited to 15 custom tables that can be created and modified in a Dynamics environment.

Some Microsoft Copilot capabilities are included with Sales Enterprise at no additional cost. The full range of Copilot features is available by purchasing Copilot for Sales, which combines Copilot for Microsoft 365 with seller workflows in Dynamics 365. Sales Pro does not include Copilot features.

Sales Hub functions and services unavailable to Sales Pro users include sales goals, territory management, forecasting, product families, knowledge base, embedded intelligence and business units.

Sales Professional licences receive the same default cloud storage entitlements as Sales Enterprise, but Pro licences do not accrue additional storage capacity. Also, Sales Professional does not include entitlement for Customer Voice surveys. Sales Enterprise has a default capacity for up to 2000 survey responses per tenant/month.

Read our licence comparison post to learn more.

How do D365 Customer Service licences compare?

Both licence types allow users to create and manage cases, contracts, entitlements, service level agreements, contacts, accounts and lead records in Dynamics 365.

D365 Customer Service Pro is for people who don’t need the full capacity of Customer Service Enterprise. The Professional licence is restricted to a maximum of 15 custom tables. Customer Service Enterprise provides unrestricted use.

Further caps for the Professional licence include:

  • Dashboards – limited to a maximum of 5 per table
  • Personal Forms and Views – maximum of 2 per table
  • Customise Business Processes – up to 5 per table
  • Queues – up to a maximum of 15

The following entitlements are unavailable with a Professional licence: D365 Customer Voice survey response capacity, embedded intelligence (including Copilot), running Power Apps in the same environment, configuring and viewing the schedule board and accruing additional cloud storage per user.

Read our post to learn more about the differences.

How is Dynamics 365 Marketing licensed

Dynamics 365 Customer Insights is licensed on a per-tenant basis, and it includes access to the Customer Insights – Journeys (previously D365 Marketing) and Customer Insights – Data. 

Refer to our article for detailed information.

How are Dynamics 365 web portals licensed

Power Pages offers ready-made templates enabling data-driven websites to be quickly deployed that provide connected self-service capabilities. Please read our article about Power Pages licensing to find out more.

Is there a Dynamics 365 licensing guide?

You can download the detailed Microsoft Dynamics 365 licensing guide, updated monthly.

Expert Licensing Help

We have saved many organisations thousands of pounds by helping them select the right Dynamics 365 licenses. Contact ServerSys today to request your free licensing check.

Call us now on 0203 884 3804, email or complete the contact form below, and we’ll follow up.